How my practice in Culver City is different from other offices in Culver City

As an esteemed orthodontist in Culver City, I take pride in setting myself apart from other practices in the following ways:

First and foremost, I am the sole doctor in the area who has received training at the renowned Eastman Institute for Oral Health. Considered by many as the premier post-graduate residency in orthodontics in the United States, this two-year program not only offered me exceptional education but also covered all expenses and provided a stipend during my training. In contrast, most other programs charge their residents over $70,000 per year for three years, amounting to a staggering total of more than $210,000, on top of their dental school costs.

In my practice, I strive to provide high-quality orthodontic treatment at affordable prices for patients of all ages. I strongly recommend beginning the initial consultation from the age of 7 and up, ensuring early detection of any orthodontic issues. My dedicated staff and I will assist you and your family throughout the straightforward process of starting orthodontic treatment. If you require special financial assistance, please don't hesitate to ask, as we are extremely flexible in accommodating our patients' needs.

Our mission is simple yet impactful: to transform the smiles of Culver City, one person at a time.

Another aspect that sets us apart is the size of our practice. Many residents of Culver City have expressed their dissatisfaction with overcrowded orthodontic clinics where they barely get any personal attention from the doctor. They often find it challenging to secure appointments after school or on weekends and may even need to schedule several weeks in advance for emergency visits.

Contrarily, our practice is intentionally small to ensure that we can provide the utmost attention and care to each patient. We pride ourselves on being exceedingly accommodating to you and your schedule, offering plenty of weekend and after-school appointment options. Additionally, we prioritize same-day appointments for patients already undergoing treatment, not just new patients. For those who are ready, we even offer the convenience of starting treatment on the same day, provided it aligns with the family's schedule and the approval of our dental team.

At our practice, we prioritize your comfort, convenience, and personalized care above all else. We are committed to providing exceptional orthodontic services that surpass your expectations and contribute to your overall well-being.


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